Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Mills Evening

In this lazy summer, if it were not for geocaching, I wouldn't have gone out anywhere this evening. Shopping would be left undone. Local economies would languish. (Well, not really.) A new geocache provided the perfect excuse. I went to Mills Reservation in Montclair for Old Entrance to Mills. The old entrance is a walk-in entrance flanked by stone walls and stone pillars. It's no longer in use because there is now a new entrance 400 feet down the road with a parking area. The park must cater to the motoring public, after all. Anyway, this was an easy cache with a minimal amount of climbing. (This cache hider is notorious for placing geocaches that require either rock or tree climbing.) I got FTF and signed the first page in the log.

On my way back, I stopped at Micro Center in Paterson. I've been looking for two accessories for the netbook. It doesn't have a built-in CD drive so it would be nice to have an external USB DVD/CD drive. Also, the netbook has bluetooth capability so it would be good to have a bluetooth mouse to free up one of the USB ports. Well, I found both items on sale today. There was a special on the external drive and I came across a bluetooth mouse while rummaging through a pile of mice on the clearance rack. Spent a little more than I'd planned but those were good finds.

I was running a little late after that, so I settled for a spicy Italian footlong dinner from Subway in Paramus Park Mall. The food court was shutting down for the night at the time so I took what I could get.
Tags: micro center, mills reservation, paramus park mall, subway

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