Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Always Sunny in Lehigh Valley

When I started out from home on Thursday morning, it was raining. So it was a nice surprise that when I reached Easton in Lehigh Valley, it was sunny. The temperature was mild the whole day; 72-77°F and breezy. I was on a roll the whole day. The geocaches on my list were all pretty quick, even if a few that were hidden creatively made me think.

The most interesting cache sites of the day were:
  1. More Than Meets The Eye at Nisky Hill Cemetery. This location has a view of the Bethlehem Steel furnaces, where a portion of the movie "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was shot.
  2. Coaster View, from which there is a view of Dorney Park. The cache site is at the old entrance road to Dorney Park, which is now the employee entrance.
The last cache of the day was within a mile of the Saucon Valley Red Robin and I had a Red Robin birthday coupon so that's where I went for dinner. I had the Wise Guy Burger, a burger stuffed with mozzarella sticks, pepperoni, and marinara sauce. They gave me a complimentary birthday sundae, which was nice of them.

Tags: bethlehem steel, birthday coupon, dorney park, geocaching, lehigh valley, red robin

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