The most interesting cache sites of the day were:
- More Than Meets The Eye at Nisky Hill Cemetery. This location has a view of the Bethlehem Steel furnaces, where a portion of the movie "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was shot.
- Coaster View, from which there is a view of Dorney Park. The cache site is at the old entrance road to Dorney Park, which is now the employee entrance.
Zoned Out (Pennsylvania)
End of the Line (Pennsylvania)
Work n Walk (Pennsylvania)
For the kids (Pennsylvania)
Man's Best Friend (Pennsylvania)
The Great Ice Cream Challenge- Appledon's choice (Pennsylvania)
Coaster View (Pennsylvania)
Pill Popper (Pennsylvania)
Jack's Son (Pennsylvania)
This Little Piggy Stayed Home (Pennsylvania)
And This Little Piggy Cried... All the Way Home (Pennsylvania)
This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef (Pennsylvania)
This Little Piggy Had None (Pennsylvania)
This Little Piggy Went to Market (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #16 (Pennsylvania)
Simple Cache (Pennsylvania)
Druid's Ruins (Pennsylvania)
More Than Meets The Eye (Pennsylvania)
W-6 (Pennsylvania)
SodaPop Bridges (Pennsylvania)
Sports Cache (Pennsylvania)
JAB#3 (New Jersey)