Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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How do I get into these things?

This afternoon, I was interviewed by a reporter from the New York Times about New Jersey Gas Prices and my participation in that project. I guess that's topical given the high gas prices these days. Not sure if anything is going to come of the interview but maybe there'll be a short article about gas price websites in the NY Times soon.

I also found out that I'm in the Top 250 Points Leaders for the Last 30 Days. Apparently, I'm the only New Jerseyan obsessed enough to make it to that list but someone from Philadelphia is at the very top. 250th place is not a very high hurdle though. Merely posting five gas prices a day and clicking on all the news items is enough to net you 26K points in 30 days, and currently, you don't even have to do quite that much.

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