Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Farmer's Backyard

It was a rainy day so I decided not to go to Long Island. It's not worth paying the NYC bridge tolls unless it's going to be a picture-perfect day. It was a good day anyway to catch up on things I needed to do at home. However, I was also waiting for the rain to stop because a new geocache, Haiku Cache No.4-Farmer's Backyard, had just been listed right in this town. 4pm arrived and the rain still had not stopped, but I needed to get the Sunday paper so I went for the cache along the way.

It's located at the Montvale Environmental Center, a loop of boardwalks starting at the parking area of the town's municipal complex. In truth, this cache would've been easily doable even in heavy rain because it's a short walk of about 500 feet and only two steps from the boardwalk.

I'm only two days away from settlement day. It's an exciting time. I already have most of the details ironed out so tomorrow, I'll do the banking, make a call or two, and finish packing essential items for the first carload.
Tags: geocaching, montvale

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