The main point of this trip is to get broadband installed in the house. Right away, I was more impressed with Comcast service than Verizon service. The appointment time window was very short, only 2 hours instead of the whole day that Verizon asked for and still missed. Comcast called twice, the evening before to remind me of the appointment and half an hour before the tech arrived. Better yet, he was early so he started working on it first thing in the morning. He ran another line from the pole, around the house, into the living room, and was done in about 90 minutes.
A bit of Comcast account setup later, the net connection was ready. Now the house feels more like a home. :)
Lobster Garden (Pennsylvania)
Franks Fer Da Memories (Pennsylvania)
Borough 478 (New Jersey)
Do Not Pass Go, or Golf (New Jersey)