Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

To Delaware and back

Did a lot of packing Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. This time I boxed up most of the computer peripherals and the wireless router because I was moving the wi-fi network to the house. Drove out in the rain. Good thing it wasn't raining or it had stopped raining in Delaware because that made it easier to unload the stuff. Spent the night there. The next day, I did more yardwork. Removed a lot of leaves and weeds from the backyard and packed them into many, many plastic shopping bags. I'm finally using up the plastic bags I'd saved over the years!

Thursday evening, I headed back up into New Jersey to Big Ed's BBQ in Old Bridge for the This Little Piggy Went To Old Bridge ]|[ geocaching event. I'd missed the first two events in this series because both of those were on Thursdays. I don't think there were that many of us there but we still filled up one room in the restaurant. I had ribs and more ribs. At the end of the event, Bernsa and I were presented with Good Luck Twinkies. He's leaving the state too, for DC-area Maryland.

After dinner, the group went out at night to find This Piney Piggy and Big Bad Wolf. Both were somewhat related to the event and the latter was a reflector trail cache specially designed to be found at night.
Tags: central jersey, delaware, geocaching, nightcache

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