Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

PA/DE Border

Another sunny day. Temperature was in the 60s. After bagging a few geocaches on in Newport and Wilmington, we went north to Chadds Ford, just past the PA-DE state line. I had actually never been there before so there were lots of geocaches to do within a short distance of each other. I'll work my way towards West Chester another time.

Stopped at Best Buy near Concord Mall (on the tax-free side of the state line, of course) to see their selection of LCD monitors because I won't be moving the big, bulky 20" CRT. I also had a Best Buy 10%-off movers special coupon but when I got to the checkout, they said that this coupon does not apply to LCD monitors. So I decided to not buy one at that time. I think I can get a better deal elsewhere. We'll see.

Tags: best buy, delaware, geocaching, pennsylvania

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