Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

To Northern NJ again, Third Tuesday

Did yard work this morning. Raked leaves and used the electric lawnmower on the front yard. Started heading back to Northern NJ after a late lunch. The plan was to hit the Third Tuesday geocaching event on the way back but there was plenty of time so we tackled a few geocaches, Corral and Villa, along the way. The last cache we did before the event was Rt.18 Pedestrian Bridge just a mile south of Fuddruckers in New Brunswick. This was a tough one so it was a good thing we were joined in the search by jo.b and JimmyG.

Got to Fuddruckers in time for the start of the event, more or less. In truth, I hadn't expected to be able to make it to this event. It just happened to be the way my travel schedule worked out, making the event a convenient dinner stop. I had nachos with chicken as usual.

And now I'm back in Northern NJ for my last week here. If all goes well, I should be 100% moved into Delaware by next week. (just in time to claim the free Pathmark turkey and roast it in my new and as yet unused gas oven. I can hardly wait!)
Tags: fuddruckers, geocaching, geocaching event, third tuesday

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