Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Job Interview

Since I applied for NJ unemployment benefits, I was obliged to begin the job search. So I posted my resume to CareerBuilder. There was significant interest. I haven't had time to return all the calls yet. I know, I've been bad about it but in my defense, I've had other things to take care of too. (To everyone who told me that I wouldn't just do nothing after I left my job: Yes, you were right. *sigh* There hasn't been one single day when I just did nothing.)

Had a phone interview today with a software firm in Newark. First, they sent me a programming exercise to do on my own time. I did it this morning and sent it in. Then they set up an appointment in the afternoon for a phone interview simultaneous with a VNC session in which I showed them how I would write a piece of code. (I actually like this approach because in this line of work, it's better to do it than to talk about it.) I guess I did well enough because just an hour after the phone interview, they called back to set up an on-site interview for next week.

Anyway, I'll try to take care of more of those calls and messages tomorrow before the grocery run. Things are happening too quickly but at least it's never boring.
Tags: career, careerbuilder, job

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