Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

MD/PA state line

Sunny and 37-40°F. Made the most of the last good day before the weekend snowstorm by doing a 3-state cache run. Got 2 geocaches in Delaware and then geocached near the Maryland-Pennsylvania state line in Landenburg, Lewisville, Nottingham, and Oxford. The last two geocaches, "Veterans TB Hotel" and "Parkplace", were not on the agenda but I went for those anyway because they were so close to US-1 exit ramps.

The "Mt. Olivet Rd" series of geocaches were all placed along an abandoned road. Couldn't drive down this road because of the barricade so we parked at the end and walked in. A boxer dog from the house at the start of the road followed us to two of the cache sites, barking the whole way. That was somewhat annoying. Wonder if this is the kind of thing mail and UPS carriers have to deal with.

Tags: delaware, geocaching, maryland, pennsylvania

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