What is your favorite blanket like?
It's fuzzy and white with black tiger stripes.
What was the last thing you baked?
What television personality gets you most hot and bothered?
I haven't watched enough of any of them to form an opinion.
When did you last burn yourself?
Touched the wrong part of the oven by accident. Happened about a month ago. Wasn't a serious problem.
What are your feelings about hot sauce?
I put that **** on everything! :)

What is your favorite piece of clothing and how does it make you feel?
Do fursuits count as clothing? Costuming is a neat experience because I get to play a fantasy role for a while.
What was the most expensive article of clothing you ever bought?
See the first question.
What is a current fashion trend you think look horrible?
Wearing pajamas to Wal-mart.
What decade do you think had the best clothes?
70s. Bell-bottoms will come back one day! Nah, I'm not sure how to answer this question. There were good and bad fashions in every decade. Maybe all this will be settled some time in the 25th century, when, according to sci-fi movies, we'll all be in jumpsuits.
If your friends/family could throw away a single piece of your clothing, which do you think it would be and why?
The Phoenix Coyotes old-design hockey jersey, maybe. I've had it for over a decade and the decals are peeling off.