Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Denny's Tour

Sunny and 46°F. I had a coupon for a free burger and fries for joining the Denny's Rewards mailing list. Of course, I had to make a day of it so I threw in some geocaching and a bit shopping too.

First stop was Glasgow Park to get two geocaches that were both about half a mile from the parking area. I was surprised that the park, even the wooded areas, was almost free of snow. Next, I got two geocaches on the Mason-Dixon Trail. That section of the trail crossed a residential area, where I parked, and followed a powerline right of way. Then came two caches in Deerborne Woods. Both were quick caches in small parks. Then I got two geocaches in Iron Hill Park but decided to leave a third one for another time.

By that time, it was well past lunchtime (a bit after 5pm, actually) so I went to Denny's to have the burger and fries. The last time I went to a Denny's was many years ago, back when Anthrocon was at the Adam's Mark and Denny's was just next door. I went just once and was so unimpressed with the service that I never went to that Denny's again. So I arrived at the Newark Denny's with very low expectations. Well, surprise! It's actually a pretty good restaurant. Granted, there were only 3 customers there this afternoon, so I have no idea if service is worse when they're busy, but I wouldn't mind going back.

After that, I went to downtown Wilmington for one more cache. I figured street parking wouldn't be a problem after working hours and that was indeed the case. "Pico Parking" is at the top of a high-rise parking garage. Since I didn't have a parking pass, I parked on the street and took the elevator up. Pretty simple.

Tags: denny's, geocaching, glasgow, newark, wilmington

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