Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

The sudden end of Cici's

Looks like the Newark Cici's Pizza is closed. I found out about it from a note on their Facebook wall. (The store locator at Cici's website no longer lists this restaurant, so that confirms the closure.) Although the pizza buffet was mediocre, it wasn't bad and I'm glad to have experienced it 3 times. I guess I could still go to the Cici's locations in Lancaster or Cherry Hill, both under 50 miles from home, but I probably wouldn't venture out that far for pizza buffet unless I happened to be geocaching there.

This appears to be similar to what brought down the Hot Plate restaurant in New Castle. The owner got behind in bills and payroll but kept the place going by making up excuses. Employees kept working, hoping that the paychecks would start again, but after a month or two with no money in sight, they realized it wasn't going to happen and the jig was up. I hope they pursue their complaint through proper channels and get back what they're owed.

On another note, the way this restaurant closure was announced on Facebook wasn't very professional. I suppose in this age of social media, it's common to lay bare every workplace scandal but this could've just as easily been phrased without bringing up the payroll drama and without reflecting badly on the Cici's Pizza brand. Note that the store manager, one of the affected employees, was posting as "Cici's Pizza" there. Also, if you own a restaurant, would you hire them to run it, knowing that if something goes wrong, there's a possibility that it'll be exposed on Facebook in ALL CAPS for the world to see?


"Come here often?"
To Friday Five? Once a week at most.

"What's new?"
My answers to Friday Five!

"[insert your recent weather condition here] enough for ya?"
There's too much weather going on now.

"How's it hangin?"

"How 'bout them [insert local sports team here]?"
No idea. You know I'm just looking at the mascot.
Tags: cici's pizza, friday five

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