Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

The BJ's Experience and 10 Years - South Philly

Ran some errands this afternoon. After today's shopping trip, I've decided against paying up for a BJ's Wholesale membership once my trial membership expires. The only thing I'm saving money on there is gas and there are days, like today, when the difference is only 1 cent per gallon. Groceries and produce at BJ's are disappointing. I've shopped there a number of times and have yet to find anything other than milk where the unit price is significantly lower than what I find elsewhere. Save-A-Lot and Pathmark (for certain items) are on par with BJ's. I suppose paying the BJ's membership fee saves you from having to memorize prices and shop around because you know you'll get an acceptable deal on a giant bag of oranges or half a dozen bottles of ketchup tied together. But what's the fun in that? :)

Also, I've noticed that the shopping experience at BJ's is bad. Of course, it's bad at Save-A-Lot too but I don't have to pay an annual fee for that privilege. No one knows how to handle those big BJ's shopping carts so, especially when the store is busy, everyone blocks everyone else. This afternoon, one lady left a shopping cart in the middle of the lane by the cash registers to go and use the restroom. Gee, no one else needed to leave the store or anything, right? Then there's BJ's final touch: receipt checking. I don't think that is necessary as other stores somehow keep prices low without having people stand by the doorway punching holes in every receipt. I wouldn't mind, except that they just hired a young kid for receipt checking who isn't going about this in a polite manner.

In the evening, I went to IKEA in Philadelphia for the first of this weekend's geocaching events: 10 Years! South Philly. There were about 30 geocachers there. It was a nice time. I had Swedish meatballs. After the event, I shopped IKEA a bit to see their unusual toys and plush cushions but didn't buy anything.
Tags: bj's wholesale, geocaching, geocaching event, ikea, philadelphia

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