Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Maryland - Cecilton, Mount Harmon, Millington, Sudlersville

Sunny and 80°F but not quite as humid as the previous day. I took the trash bag of weeds out to the yard waste collection site as a weak justification and since I was out anyway, I hopped over to Maryland and geocached first along the Cecilton - Grove Point peninsula and then south through Galena, Millington, and Sudlersville. Cache density is very low in that area. There may be one or two in each town and once I finished those, the next closest cache would be 5 or 6 miles away! Even so, it was an enjoyable trip and the many farms and rivers out that way were scenic.

After that, I crossed the state line back into Delaware and got a few geocaches in Hartly and Marydel. Stopped at Hardee's in Dover to have chicken tenders for dinner. It still wasn't dusk after dinner so I went for some after-dinner caches. (like after dinner mints, but with fewer calories :) ) The most interesting cache hide of the day was the last one, "Little Creek". It's a good effort at woodworking to make the cache blend in with the ruins of a collapsed wood shed.

Tags: delaware, geocaching, hardee's, kent county, maryland

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