Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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Radicals Speak Out At Columbia 'Teach-In'

At an anti-war "teach-in" this week, a Columbia University professor called for the defeat of American forces in Iraq and said he would like to see "a million Mogadishus" -- a reference to the Somali city where American soldiers were ambushed, with 18 killed, in 1993.

"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military," Nicholas De Genova, assistant professor of anthropology at Columbia University told the audience at Low Library Wednesday night. "I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus."

The crowd was largely silent at the remark. They loudly applauded De Genova later when he said, "If we really believe that this war is criminal ... then we have to believe in the victory of the Iraqi people and the defeat of the U.S. war machine."

Columbia University has really gone a lot downhill since I attended if a professor can make such treasonous statements without fear of repercussion. I understand that he has the freedom to say whatever he wants but for now, I am ashamed to be an alumnus of the school.


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