Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox


I did four hours of yardwork yesterday, so today, I had 3 bags of weeds to take to the yard waste collection site. Might as well make a day of it, right? Also, I took the opportunity to go to CompUSA in Dover for their Saturday-only deals. Funny how I've bought stuff at a CompUSA that's 40 miles away twice but nothing so far at the CompUSA that's only a few miles from home. Go figure. What's interesting is they actually had a specific type of case for my Nuvi 205W in stock when I've been having trouble finding that online. Their price is around 60% off the manufacturer's price too. Amazing.

After leaving CompUSA, I headed down Route 1 towards Rehoboth Beach but when I saw the seemingly-endless line of shore traffic, I changed routes and went to Bridgeville instead. Fortunately, the Delaware State Fair and casino traffic in Harrington wasn't nearly as bad. I hadn't been geocaching in Bridgeville so there were many to do. I also did a cache in Greenwood: "Watch Your Speed", a nod to this town's strict speed limit enforcement. At the end of the day, I took a side tour out of Bridgeville to pick up some caches in the "Do You Know Your Way to San Jose" series.

Ran into Scrapple-ers at "Inn @ Rt. 404 bypass". It was a funny coincidence. I pulled into the dirt parking area and then they pulled into the dirt parking area because they just so happened to pick that time for cache maintenance. Nice to meet them and discover some of the travel bugs they brought to deposit in the cache.

Saw a monster guarding the cache at Woodbridge Athletic Fields. Must be a Woodbridge Raiders fan. :)

Don't Rob This Store! (Delaware)
Here's one for the Class of 2009 (Delaware)
Inn @ Rt. 404 bypass (Delaware)
Raiders Rock (Delaware)
Going down in Raidertown (Delaware)
Let's go Raiders (Delaware)
Watch Your Speed (Delaware)
Welcome to Bridgeville (Delaware)
Just a little "Koi" (Delaware)
Liar's Club (Delaware)
nano, nano..... (Delaware)
Bunker Bear's fire prevention stash (Delaware)
the Happy Lion rides a Subway (1) (Delaware)
STOP for the cache! Not the crabs! (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - Friendship (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - Coverdale X-Rds (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - Collins Pond (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - Home (Delaware)
FSC2009 Bridgeville (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - BBQ (Delaware)
Do You Know Your Way to San Jose - Gourmet Cuisine (Delaware)

Tags: bridgeville, compusa, geocaching, sussex county, yard waste

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