Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Schuylkill River Trail - Manayunk to Conshohocken

Sunny, 70-80°F. I only intended to find 8 geocaches today. Why 8? Because that would bring my total for this year to 2,145, which is one higher than last year. So I went to Manayunk and started on the latest set of Schuylkill River Trail geocaches from there. Well, I got 8 finds pretty quickly, so I thought, why not go for 12 and bring my overall total up to 13,400? Next 4 were a bit of a walk but I did those. Then I decided to go for 24. Okay, that's not what really happened. After 12 geocaches, I just kept going to see how many more I could find before dinner. I moved my car several times to convenient trailside parking areas in order to short-cut the walk a bit, but I think I still walked more than 4 miles anyway. I also met 4 geocachers (2 were on bicycles and 2 were on foot) along the way. All in all, it was a good time.

Dinner was at Burger King in Conshohocken, since that town is at the end of this set of geocaches. I had a Whopper tower. :) This BK is pretty amazing. Not only do they have free wi-fi internet, but also a row of internet terminals! Of course, the food is still just your average fast food but the net access is useful. I was informed that BK in Phoenixville has the same setup, so I'll have to take a look at that restaurant one day.

Tags: burger king, conshohocken, geocaching, montgomery county, schuylkill river trail

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