Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Back Office

Sunny, 50-55°F. Paradoxically, after the switchover from DST to Standard Time, I woke up later than usual. This made for a very short day. However, since it was Sunday and no one was at work, I decided to continue my exploration of the woods behind that office park in Aston. I used a different parking lot this time and bushwhacked 100 feet or so to a gas pipeline and then took a walk along that pipeline cut to "Pipeline 1" and "Woods 2".

"Critters Cache" was behind a shopping center but that place looked deserted enough on a Sunday afternoon. "Mercury & Lead" was near a Comcast office, which surprisingly, had a bunch of people working. I guess they make sure the cable doesn't go out on Sunday. It was just a quick dash into the woods from the Comcast lot and no one seemed to notice or mind. Last one of the day, "MPI #400", was up the hill from yet another office lot. It was a steep climb but easy because by the looks of that well-worn path, I'm not even among the first few dozen people to go that way.

Tags: delaware county, geocaching, pennsylvania

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