Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Schuylkill River Trail - Fairmount Park, East Falls, Manayunk

Cloudy, 35-40°F. I decided to do more of the SRT series of geocaches today, starting from the Philadelphia end of the trail. There are some parking areas along Kelly Drive in Fairmount Park. I parked in each parking lot, went and did the geocaches in one direction and then the other direction before moving on to the next parking lot. I also did a few non-SRT geocaches along the way, since those are near the trail. After dusk, I continued onwards to Manayunk, since I knew the trail was pretty much an urban sidewalk there. Parking in Manayunk can be difficult but someone pulled out and left a parking meter with nearly an hour of time on it! So I parked there and walked to the last 3 geocaches of the night. After that, I went straight home because Manayunk is right next to the highway. (Green Lane exit on I-76) Also, well, I figured I ought to make dinner for a change instead of getting something on the way back.

Tags: geocaching, philadelphia, schuylkill river trail

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