Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Valley Forge, Audubon, Upper Providence

Cloudy, 43-46°F. After the last week or so of 30-degree temperatures, it was like a heat wave today. I continued my exploration of the Valley Forge area and beyond. I started with two caches in the Corporate Cache series because I figured Saturday, when no one would be at the office buildings, was a good time to do those. After that, I geocached my way up through Audubon. Upper Providence was where the action was. I found 4 geocaches in the Town Center strip mall and 4 more geocaches in Upper Providence Township Park near the strip mall, all within the last hour before sunset! Thank goodness for 8 easy geocaches close together. And finally, I couldn't resist picking up "The Shire" on the way out since it's only a few blocks off from the route home. I think this roadside cache may actually be easier at night as it really stands out when you use a flashlight.

I haven't been to Arby's in quite a while -- the last sheet of coupons expired completely unused. Since my route home went down US-202, I stopped at the North Wilmington Arby's. Tonight is not their night. Even though there were 2 people at the cash registers and 3 in the kitchen, everything took a long time. To make matters worse, they gave someone food that was meant for another customer and had to redo that order. I noticed on the monitor that the cashier also got my order wrong but fortunately, I was able to get that corrected before it was made. So I had a regular roast beef combo. When I got home, I entered the code from the cup and won another music download from the Country Strong album. I don't like this album but free is free, so I downloaded one track and saved it in Skydrive.

Tags: arby's, geocaching, pennsylvania

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