Passion Puddle Cache
Cook Campus, Rutgers University in North Brunswick. Small park-like area with a pond. Short walk but cache was well-hidden so it took a fair bit of searching but I got it.
Western Stream View
Washington Valley Park in Martinsville. I've been here before for another cache but this one's on the other side of the road. A bit hilly and the trail was very convoluted. Either the GPS or the coordinates or both may be a bit inaccurate but there were telltale signs of the cache's hiding spot so it was easy to find.
Duke Island Park in Bridgewater. Been here before for another cache but it was at the other end of the park. From the parking lot, it was a paved path nearly all the way to the cache. And there it was an easy find as long as you didn't step into what looked like a deep groundhog hole.
Round Valley Reservoir in Lebanon. Short walk from parking to the cache and not hard to find. As a bonus there was a nice view of the reservoir along the way. The reservoir was shrouded in fog this morning.
Finding Your Way
The main event. The first part was lunch in the parking garage while waiting for everyone to show up. This is Plan B as the original plan was to use the picnic tables behind the museum. The second part was to see the Finding Your Way exhibit in the Morris Museum. This exhibit covered topics having to do with mapping, geography, human perception and early navigation devices. We also viewed some of the other exhibits: the stuffed (as in taxidermy) animals, the artpieces, the wooden idols, and the train set.
Roo 2
Stonetown Circular Trail in West Milford/Ringwood. Still had time after the event so I went for this cache. Road had puddles and potholes but was drivable. Hilly area but the trail was okay even if it was rocky in some places. Expected the cache to be harder to find but it was easy to see the hiding spot because I went around to it from the back, climbing the other way on the rocks. Amazing that I'm only the second to find it even though it has been out for more than two months.