Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

New Year Pancakes

It was Chinese New Year, so I went to IHOP in New Castle. It's not as weird as it seems. Firstly, everyone else would be thinking of going to Chinese restaurants, so those places would be packed. Secondly, I still had the free pancakes coupon that I got for completing a customer survey after my visit last month. I also had a Double BLT.

I learnt about the Foursquare v2 API recently so I've been busy rewriting 4sqNoGPS to use it. The result is PlainSquare. In contrast to 4sqNoGPS, which was an attempt to write an app in one day, PlainSquare took 5 days, but I was busy and I was also aiming for completeness instead of just something minimally functional.

PlainSquare is the same idea as 4sqNoGPS. It is meant for older phones with limited web browsers, so there is nothing too fancy in the HTML and no Javascript at all, except for the experimental geolocation page. Where PlainSquare goes beyond 4sqNoGPS is in certain v2 API features that aren't in the v1 API, chiefly support for comments and photos. Foursquare check-in pages are friends-only so a screenshot will have to do. The corresponding page in PlainSquare is formatted in a narrow style for my phone and has input forms for adding comments and photos. The use case here should be fairly obvious. I check in at a restaurant and then I use the app to add food photos to the check-in record to make it more like a show and tell.
Tags: app engine, chinese new year, foursquare, ihop, python

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