Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

South Jersey and West Chester

Saturday: 55-60°F, cloudy. Went geocaching around and near Pitman, Blackwood, Laurel Springs, and Turnersville, which was not the most logical route to take but I just had to go for "Winning", which popped up in the cache listings while I was out there. There were weird things going on in the woods near "El Dorado Hills". A bunch of people were spanking each other up on the next rise. They stopped when they saw that I was in the vicinity, so I pretended I didn't notice anything, calmly dealt with the geocache, and left quickly. That was not as funny as the time I caught a couple having a "lunchtime quickie" in the park. "Walts Mud Bath" was supposedly in a very muddy area, but it was merely dry and sandy that afternoon. And "A Little Bird Told Me" was a cute bird.

Sunday: 55-60°F, sunny. This was my gas-saving day since I only went to the West Chester area and did geocaches around there and in East Bradford. I'm not sure how long I hiked in East Bradford Nature Area but it was good to leave the car in one parking area and just walk. The general terrain in that park is very similar to Northern NJ. Hilly and rocky with winding trails that follow contours. I saw a bunch of ruins ("Classic Ruins") and a well. ("Make A Wish") There's also a nice paved bike path on a railroad cut. "Climb Away" was one that I thought I would not be able to do because it was up a tree, but I'm glad I went to take a look. The climb turned out to be just one step up the tree. Then I was able to reach the cache by doing a chin up on one of the medium-sized branches. Very little danger of falling.

Geocaches on Saturday:

Stop and Grab this Cache (New Jersey)
Hide and Seek (New Jersey)
A Little Bird Told Me (New Jersey)
Deliverance (New Jersey)
Shh Spot (New Jersey)
The Wind Beneath My Wings (New Jersey)
Field of Dysfunction (New Jersey)
Will You Be My Valentine? (New Jersey)
El Dorado Hills (New Jersey)
Awesome Face (New Jersey)
Walts Mud Bath (New Jersey)
Winning (New Jersey)
Yep, they are open... (New Jersey)


"Emergency" Passthrough (Pennsylvania)
Clang, Clang, Clang went the... (Pennsylvania)
Poker Run #5 - Small Bluff (Pennsylvania)
Climb Away (Pennsylvania)
Poker Run #1 - No!! Not the Trees!!! (Pennsylvania)
Poker Run #2 - Old Ruins (Pennsylvania)
Trolley Through The Rocks (Pennsylvania)
Make A Wish (Pennsylvania)
PMC Lite: Perfect Harmony (Pennsylvania)
Totally Tubular (Pennsylvania)
Perfect 10 (Pennsylvania)
Classic Ruins (Pennsylvania)

Tags: chester county, geocaching, south jersey

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