Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Southwest Philadelphia / Main Line

Cloudy, 93-97°F. It wasn't as hot on Sunday as it was on Saturday but with the possibility of rain (which did happen for a little while), I didn't want to go too far. I'm not sure what to call the area I visited but it is the opposite of Northeast Philadelphia, so I'll go with Southwest Philadelphia. I started with some easy geocaches in the Springfield shopping and residential areas. Then I went to Swarthmore College to see the Whisper Bench. It's a stone bench curved in such a way that someone whispering at one end can be heard by someone sitting at the other end. The whisper bench at Swarthmore College is a small one. A larger one can be found in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia.

After that, I found a bunch more geocaches on the South side of Delaware County. "Mission from Mars" is in one of those weird half-neglected parks. To get to the geocache site from the street, I walked through a homeless encampment, a paintball zone, and a tire dump. Apparently, ball hanging from a tree is some form of hobo recreation. Then I found my way to South Philly, where I did the "Philly Parking Lots #1" geocache. What the hey, I thought. Let's do "Philly Parking Lots #2" as well! The latter turned out to be in the Target store parking lot; yes, the Target store that replaced the Adam's Mark where Anthrocon was held a long time ago. Funny how I keep coming back to this place now.

Since I was on City Line Avenue, I did a few geocaches in Bala Cynwyd. Decided to stop early so I could go to Ruby Tuesday back in Delaware, which was my plan for Saturday until I ended up in South Jersey. (It's complicated!) This time, I had mashed potatoes with the mini burgers instead of fries. Of course, I also hit the salad bar, although the greens that I got were more orange, red, and yellow than green.

Tags: geocaching, ruby tuesday, southwest philadelphia, swarthmore college, whisper bench

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