Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Franconia, Levittown Legacy continuation, and ladder-caching

I headed out early Saturday morning to attend the "Franconia Cafe-vent" breakfast geocaching event in Montgomery County. It was a small event but a good launching-off point for a geocaching spree around Franconia, Telford, Souderton, Chalfont, and North Wales. I did get tired of the area in the late afternoon though, and decided to return to the home area and do a small cache series along Route 273 in Cecil County.

Sunday morning began with a bit of yardwork. I also took the ladder outside to clean the roof gutters, which were starting to grow maple saplings! Since I had the ladder out, I decided to bring it out to a new tree cache in Bear. Ordinarily, getting this cache would require climbing the tree but with a ladder in place, it was a snap to retrieve. I wasn't even sure how one would climb that tree otherwise, since there aren't any low branches to step up on, but some people may be good at shimmying up. Then, since I had the ladder with me, I might as well do another tree cache the same day. So I went to Mill Creek Park in Willingboro and found "A Bison Lives in Mill Creek". This one was a bit more challenging because the ladder almost wasn't long enough, but the cache was just within grasp. "The Owl's Nest", in the same park, also supposedly needed some tree-climbing but I found the log sheet significantly lower than intended, so I didn't need the ladder for that one after all.

For the rest of Sunday, I went around Willingboro finding the continuation of the Levittown Legacy series. Given that the entire series so far is within one town, the area's looking pretty packed! I also did a few other unrelated geocaches and the remainder of the Streak series in Burlington, Mt. Holly, and Mt. Laurel.


Franconia Cafe-vent (Pennsylvania)
Troop 485 Cache (Pennsylvania)
Sami's Hide (Pennsylvania)
Kylie's Hide (Pennsylvania)
Easter Cache (Pennsylvania)
ARRRR! Marooned me mates on TWP Line (Pennsylvania)
By Special Request, Seven (Pennsylvania)
Git Yer Souvenir Here #5 (Pennsylvania)
Black Rocks Cache II (Pennsylvania)
Chestnut Street Trail (Pennsylvania)
Pond View Cache IX (Pennsylvania)
School Road Park (Pennsylvania)
Road Closed (Pennsylvania)
C&D @ D&D (Pennsylvania)
31 Double D (Pennsylvania)
Git Yer Souvenir Here #3 (Pennsylvania)
Mini Mart (Pennsylvania)
No Overnight Truck Parking (Pennsylvania)
Git Yer Souvenir Here #4 (Pennsylvania)
Secluded Walkway (Pennsylvania)
What Are Friends FOR? (Pennsylvania)
Secluded Sidewalk (Pennsylvania)
West Branch Park (Pennsylvania)
Cedar Hill Road Walkway (Pennsylvania)
Don't Fence Me In, Again (Pennsylvania)
Out with the Old, in with the New #1 (Pennsylvania)
Another Creek View Cache (Pennsylvania)
Tiny Often Empty Park: Chalfont, PA (Pennsylvania)
Clean It Up! IV (Pennsylvania)
Enjoy the View (Pennsylvania)
Sewercide III (Pennsylvania)
Salvation (Pennsylvania)
7th of May Cache (Pennsylvania)
Relax and Watch the Traffic (Pennsylvania)
Clean It Up! VII (Pennsylvania)
The Husky Series: Lili's Cache (Pennsylvania)
Enjoy your stay! (Pennsylvania)
Bienvenido a Maryland! (Maryland)
Hoarding in Maryland? (Maryland)
Scenic Byway (Maryland)
Cecil's Overpass 1A (Maryland)
New Munster (Maryland)
"Fair"ly "Hill"less Cache (Maryland)
County Fair Cache (Maryland)
Cecil's Overpass 2B (Maryland)


The White Wonder (Delaware)
MLB SERIES: Rockies (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #33: Veterans Park (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #35: S.P.A.C.E. (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #34: Kimble Farm (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #38: Harry McFarland (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #37: Millcreek Park (New Jersey)
A Bison Lives in Mill Creek (New Jersey)
The Owl's Nest (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #40: Bill Levitt (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #39: Federal City Savings & Loan (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #28: The Name Game (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #26: Levitt Shopping Center #1 (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #29: Martins Beach (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #22: Garfield Park at Twin Hills (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #23: Broido Park (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #24: Notable residents (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #25: East Ridge (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #27: Deer Park (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #15: John F. Kennedy High School (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #43: Millbrook Park (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #14: One Room School House (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #30: Levittown, NJ (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #32: W.R. James, Sr. (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #41: Charleston (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #42: FBI Investigation (New Jersey)
Levittown Legacy #31: Burlington Township (New Jersey)
TREASURE for G-PIRATE!!!!!!!! (New Jersey)
Garden of Honor (New Jersey)
Monument Cemetery (New Jersey)
17: Desolation Boulevard Streak (New Jersey)
Fishcake's Sick Day- Road to Recovery (New Jersey)
The Geeseses (New Jersey)
24: Nasty Streak (New Jersey)
The Screaming Banchee (New Jersey)
30: Star $$ Streak (New Jersey)
26: Wholesale Streak (New Jersey)

Tags: burlington county, cecil county, ladder, montgomery county, tree-climbing

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