Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Keyport/Middletown, Lawrenceville Jubilee

On Saturday, I'd planned to attend a geocaching event in Cheesequake State Park but I was late because of bad traffic delays around the Old Bridge area. So I decided to just go ahead and get to the other geocaches on my list for the area. I found most of the "BC Mania" series of geocaches. Each one is a bottle cap micro cache, hence the name. These caches themselves took hardly any time compared to the U-turns and traffic lights on the way from one to the next. However, I can recall a few of them that were placed in interesting ways. I also took a little detour to Cliffwood Beach to get away from the high traffic areas for a short while during the afternoon. Poricy Park was another place I visited on Saturday with good hiking trails. In that park, "The Most Fantabulous Person in Middletown" is an amusing cache that asks you to open a box to reveal the most fantabulous person in Middletown. It's actually a mirror. :)

On Sunday, I went to Lawrenceville to do a mascot gig with jbadger and Damian for the Lawrenceville Jubilee. It's a good event with a good crowd, although perhaps it wasn't as busy as in previous years because of drizzly/cloudy weather early in the afternoon. Unfortunately, people were a bit messy and dropped pies (among other things) on the pavement, making public fursuiting a bit hazardous. But by then, we were ready to stop and pack up anyway. I didn't take any pictures myself since I was in fursuit the whole time I was out but here are some photos and two videos from JBadger's phone.

Saturday 2014-05-03:

I Mustache you a Question (New Jersey)
BC Mania #40 (New Jersey)
Egrets and Gulls (New Jersey)
Mid Madison Softball (New Jersey)
Cat 'n Fiddle (New Jersey)
Uniform2 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #39 (redux) (New Jersey)
BC Mania #1 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #2 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #38 (New Jersey)
IHOC - Keyport (New Jersey)
BC Mania #3 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #23 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #24 (New Jersey)
We Have Taken Over (New Jersey)
BC Mania #37 (New Jersey)
HHH-RS Henry Hudson Highway Rest Stop (New Jersey)
BC Mania #25 (New Jersey)
Dogs take the bus (New Jersey)
BC Mania #35 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #36 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #27 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #33 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #34 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #31 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #32 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #28 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #29 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #30 (New Jersey)
Tee up (New Jersey)
The Most Fantabulous Person in Middletown (New Jersey)
A Changing View in Middletown (New Jersey)
Frogs on the Loose (New Jersey)
The Haunted Head (New Jersey)
The Lair of the Barking Dragon (New Jersey)
Swamp King (New Jersey)
Two Guys (New Jersey)
BC Mania #13 (New Jersey)
Poppy's Vacation Cache (New Jersey)
BC Mania #14 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #15 (New Jersey)
Drummer Boy (New Jersey)
BC Mania #10 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #11 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #12 (New Jersey)
The Ice Cream Man (New Jersey)
BC Mania #17 (New Jersey)
Dental Exam (New Jersey)
BC Mania #8 (New Jersey)
BC Mania #9 (New Jersey)
Scrapes's Healing Heel (New Jersey)
Royal Flush-#11 (New Jersey)
Haunted Chicken Coop (New Jersey)
Quail Iron (New Jersey)

Sunday 2014-05-04:

Morning Paper Series Lawrence-Gorden (New Jersey)
Weeden Park (New Jersey)
Almost Petticoat Junction (New Jersey)
Cache for a Holiday, or Any Day (New Jersey)
Sewercide (New Jersey)
Power (New Jersey)

Tags: geocaching, lawrenceville jubilee, mascot gig, monmouth county

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