Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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Spring Picnic

Went to the Spring Picnic as planned. Practically an all-day event. Njski was the host and he tended the pavilion area while everyone came and went between geocaches. We all got back together in the evening for more hotdogs and burgers. As everyone was leaving, mopar, Mickey225 and I tackled the bonus cache, which was in the swampy area. And after the event, I bagged another cache in Sea Isle City before heading for home.

In summary:
Geocaches: 17 found out of 19 attempted
Travel Bugs: 2 grabbed
Home-to-event-to-home Time: 19 hours
Attendees: Um... count here and add 3 photographers who weren't in the picture.
Ticks: 4 (yikes!)

Tomorrow... Long Island.

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