Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Delaware State Star, JALED

Saturday's trip was to Southern Delaware, near Harrington, to find the Delaware State Star series. It's a set of 50 geocaches, forming geo-art in the shape of a star, plus a bonus cache in the center. Those were mystery caches, so once you solve them, the actual caches were along a few roads in that area. Another notable cache of the day was "Pined Knolls". It a 5-star difficulty cache so I didn't expect to find it, but I decided to try it anyway since I was using the parking area to make a U-turn. I didn't have, and still don't have, the solution to the puzzle, so I simply searched likely spots in the whole area. Then suddenly, I had an idea and found it! It is rather clever but I don't think I can write any more without giving it away. Also, it qualified me for the "Let's Get Extreme" souvenir, which I didn't expect to get because I hadn't done many Difficulty 5 or Terrain 5 caches.

Sunday was a trip to Horsham, Warrington, Warminster, Southampton, and Montgomeryville in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Nothing special. Just getting some of the new caches that have popped up over the last few months. Got part of the "JALED" series. (I'm not sure what that acronym meant but it was a tribute to Weird Al.) The noteworthy location of the day was a piece of the Berlin Wall at Vereinigung Erzgebirge in Warminster and the cute geocache of the day was a burger cache in Warrington.

Saturday 2015-07-18:

Its Paintball (Delaware)
Stopped & Gone (Delaware)
You Auto Go Find This (Delaware)
Checkered Cache (Delaware)
From the Ground Up (Delaware)
Zion AME (Delaware)
Impact & Green (Delaware)
Hump Day (Delaware)
Centered State, Centered Mind (Delaware)
21 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
19 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
23 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
18 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
25 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
16 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
17 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
27 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
29 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
15 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
31 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
42 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
33 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
35 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
40 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
9 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
7 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
46 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
Delaware State Star - Bonus Cache (Delaware)
38 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
30 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
28 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
32 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
26 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
24 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
22 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
20 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
10 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
11 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
39 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
45 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
12 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
34 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
13 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
5 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
6 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
8 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
36 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
37 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
41 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
43 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
44 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
47 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
48 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
49 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
50 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
3 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
1 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
2 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
4 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
14 - Delaware State Star (Delaware)
Fathers Day Find (Delaware)
one stop shopping (Delaware)
im a big fan (Delaware)
Pined Knolls (Delaware)
Knot there (Delaware)
K's First (Delaware)
It Takes Two (Delaware)

Sunday 2015-07-19:

Happy Tax Day 2015 (Pennsylvania)
Feral Cats (Pennsylvania)
Parking Lot Cache (Pennsylvania)
JALED #7 (Ode to "Weird AL") One Rides The Bus (Pennsylvania)
Business Park Cache II (Pennsylvania)
Business Park Cache III (Pennsylvania)
JALED #3 (Ode to "Weird AL") Handy (Pennsylvania)
JALED #11 (Ode to "Weird AL") Foil (Pennsylvania)
Off the Beaten Path (Pennsylvania)
JALED #8 (Ode to "Weird AL") White & Nerdy (Pennsylvania)
At Ease (Pennsylvania)
Another Well Developed Cache (Pennsylvania)
Yes, I Want Fries With That! Yum! (Pennsylvania)
JALED #16 (Ode to "Weird AL") Fat (Pennsylvania)
JALED #2 (Ode to "Weird AL") Eat It (Pennsylvania)
Sleep It Off (Pennsylvania)
No Drugs, Please! (Pennsylvania)
JALED #1 (Ode to "Weird AL") Ebay (Pennsylvania)
Matthew 7:17 (Pennsylvania)
X markiert die Stelle! (Pennsylvania)
A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man (Pennsylvania)
Road Closed II (Pennsylvania)
Go to Blaises (Pennsylvania)
THE HUNT! (Pennsylvania)
JENNIFER (Pennsylvania)
Grab a Cup (Pennsylvania)
Bridge View Cache (Pennsylvania)
Bullfrog Serenade (Pennsylvania)
A New Cache for a New Year (Pennsylvania)
Red Herrings invade Jamison (Pennsylvania)
Oak Cache (Pennsylvania)
Geo Pill Bottle (Pennsylvania)
EINS : The Geocache (Pennsylvania)
Up Against the Wall! IV (Pennsylvania)
Got Gas? (Pennsylvania)
Sidewall (Pennsylvania)
JALED #6 (Ode to "Weird AL") Couch Potato (Pennsylvania)
This Cache Has No Cost (Pennsylvania)
JALED #5 (Ode to "Weird AL") Perform This Way (Pennsylvania)
JALED #17 (Ode to "Weird AL") Lasagna (Pennsylvania)

Tags: bucks county, geocaching, kent county, montgomery county

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