Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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Jersey Jaunt

More geocaching in New Jersey on Sunday. Didn't go all the way to the south end (Cape May and Atlantic Counties) this time. It wouldn't have been worth going anyway as there were only a few unfound caches way down there. Most of the action today was in the center of NJ in Middlesex, Burlington and Camden Counties. Met Mark, a.k.a. BassoonPilot, at both the first and third-last caches. What are the chances of two of New Jersey's top cachers meeting twice in a day? I guess we took more or less the same route because of the way the new caches were distributed in the state.

The coolest was this one. I believe it was already featured in Weird NJ magazine and in person, it is a very cute and interesting scene. As you enter the parking lot, you'll notice some VW bugs sticking out of the walls of the restaurant. The entire back of it has been turned into a themed walkway titled "Fireside Village". The path is lined with miniature buildings decorated in an old-fashioned style with some anachronisms. There is a fire station, a school house, a chapel and a general store. If that were not odd enough, Geoffrey the Giraffe, of Toys R Us fame, is sitting on his lunchbox on the doorstep of the school.

Once again, I found an Arby's restaurant on the way home. This one was on Route 73 going through Berlin. (in NJ, not Germany!) I didn't think there was an Arby's there so that was a great discovery and the Big Montana sure hit the spot for dinner. Anyway, Arby's restaurants usually have photos (some historic, some contemporary) of the surrounding neighborhoods on their walls. This particular Arby's had some photos from the Edgewood High School in Atco. One of them was of the eagle football team mascot. Pretty neat. One thing about this costume is vision is through the neck of the eagle and the enormous head rises up a further two feet or so. Judging by the way the mascot performer was holding on to the head, I suspect there may be some difficulty balancing or carrying it. Okay, let's not overanalyze this and just say that it's a neat photo to find on the wall of an Arby's.

The NJ Turnpike was congested in both directions, even in the evening as I was going home. Is it going to be like that all summer long? hrm.

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