Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

GIFF Screening, Essex / Dundalk / North Point, Warminster / Newtown / Yardley

On Saturday, the plan was to head down towards the Dundalk area to attend a GIFF Screening event for this year's GIFF souvenir. I actually went quite a bit farther to North Point State Park and Sparrows Point before turning back around for the event. Originally, I thought it was going to be a backyard screening but the event was actually in a geocacher's living room, which was a better idea since it got cold in the evening. So I met a few local cachers. We sat and talked geocaching for a bit, but I didn't have time to stay to the end.

Sunday's trip was to Ambler, then Willow Grove and Warminster. The geocaching wasn't so good in that area, so I decided to switch things around and capture the Munzee trail in Warminster Community Park. It was a bike path with over 50 Munzees and 1 geocache along the way. After that, I picked a few more geocaches in Newtown and Yardley to get before dinner. One that I was surprised to find was "Not For Kiwi Birds" in the Newtown area. It was damaged and hadn't been maintained or visited in a while. I didn't think I was likely to find anything but gave it a shot anyway. After some diligent poking around, I noticed the attachment wire lying on the ground near a tree. Then it took more sweeping of the leaves in the vicinity before I recovered the small container. I'm not sure this kind of needle-in-the-haystack search is ever worth doing but I'm glad to be done with it.

Saturday 2016-11-05:

Hello my name is Brian... (Delaware)
Northeast Rock (Maryland)
Chillax (Maryland)
Lunchtime (Maryland)
I'd like the Striped Bass, please. (Maryland)
It's the Pits (Maryland)
Senior Center plant (Maryland)
HPC (Maryland)
Skull and Bones #4 (Maryland)
A penny in the hand (Maryland)
North Bank (Maryland)
SPCC (Maryland)
WT - 20 (Maryland)
NPSP - Dead Post Oak (Maryland)
NPSP - Hot Box (Maryland)
NPSP - Wall of Death (Maryland)
NPSP - Dead Maple (Maryland)
WT - 28 Shallow Creek (Maryland)
WT - 29 Shallow Creek (Maryland)
WT - 31 Shallow Creek (Maryland)
GIFF Screening (Maryland)

Sunday 2016-11-06:

Want a Nice Smile? (Pennsylvania)
Buehler Park (Pennsylvania)
Archive Tragedy (Pennsylvania)
Sticky (Pennsylvania)
Duck (Pennsylvania)
Not For Kiwi Birds (Pennsylvania)
Graffiti Bridge (Pennsylvania)
Not Just Tennis (Pennsylvania)
Black Locust (Pennsylvania)
Jay n' Kyle's Cache (Pennsylvania)
Wheeler Dealer (Pennsylvania)

Tags: baltimore county, bucks county, geocaching, geocaching event, montgomery county

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